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Ochranné známky
(English Version)
iMed s.r.o. uses the following trademarks with permission of Pangaea Laboratories Ltd.:
Locking Mist®
Other Nanogen hair loss products use names that may be in the process of trademark application and use the symbol “TM” following the name to so signify.
All trademarks are registered in one or more of the following territories:
United Kingdom
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United States of America
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The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Unless stated to the contrary, no association with any other company or product is intended or should be inferred.
To contact the trademark and copyright owner, please write to:
Intellectual Property Dept.
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Herts. United Kingdom
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All content displayed on this site, including but not limited to: web site design, text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, animation and video & audio clips are Copyright © 1999-2017 Nanogen. All Rights Reserved. All software used on this site is the property of Nanogen or its software suppliers and is protected by U.K. and international copyright laws. Permission is granted to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions of this Web site for the sole purpose of placing an order with Nanogen or using this Web site as a shopping resource. Any other use of materials on this Web site – including reproduction for purposes other than those permitted above, modification, distribution, republishing, transmission, display or performance without the prior written permission of Nanogen is strictly prohibited.